Monday, March 19, 2012

the Genius of Leonardo DaVinci

DaVinci is my artist hero! As I often ponder DaVinci's brillance, I think a lesson centered on him would be a moment of eductional creative bliss. It is such a shame that so much of his work was lost after his death! Teaching about DaVinci is also an incredibly easy way to be interdisciplinary. Art and science have a symbiotic relationship with eachother and DaVinci easily exemplifies this.

I would give handouts of his art, discoveries and inventions as independent experiences from eachother. The lesson would be inclusive of observational drawing, connecting his art to how he influenced science looking specifically at air flight and the Wright Bros. Kitty Hawk flight, and creating our own inventions through draftsmanship.

PBS has a documentry on DaVinci. I would use the documentary and their online supplemental resource to build this lesson into multidimensional unit.

Book Resource:
"Drawing Lessons from the Great Masters" by Robert Beverly Hale.

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