Saturday, August 11, 2007

Creative Footprints

Lucian Freud
Women of Renown: Female Heroes and Villains in the Prints of Utagawa Kuniyoshi (1797-1861)
Best of Ottawa Animation Festival & Daydream Nation: Swedish Animation at the Brattle
Ray Johnson: How to Draw a Bunny
Endicott Studio: Mythic Art
Earth Science Nasa for Kids and their archive

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Lesson: Printmaking

Personally, I am fascinated by Printmaking!
Recently I had experienced how printmaking could be done in a public school setting with relatively inexpensive materials.

It was such a fun experience that I would like to create a lesson based off this experience.

Women of Renown: Female Heroes and Villains in the Prints of Utagawa Kuniyoshi exhibition at the Boston MFA

Incredible Art Department::Printmaking

PBS::Japan Edo period Woodblock Printing

Lesson: Mask Making

Learning Objectives:
Examine the role of Masks in religion, society and identity
Examine the functions and messages expressed through symbols and metaphors
Discuss terms Art and Craft
Look at commercial products through function, message, craft
Compare role of commercial artist to that of particular artists
Goals alike and different
Design a work using their own symbols and metaphors
Create a Mask


This lesson I want to create masks, while at the same time investigate how masks have been used in cultures as ways of expression. I particularly would like to look at Halloween as the contemporary use of masks, and perhaps other festivals such as Mardi Gras, All Souls Day...

I am not sure, but most likely this lesson will use papier mache as it's medium, since in a classroom setting this would be the easiest way to create the masks.

I'll have to investigate more on how I plan to do this... and will update this later with a more comprehensive lesson plan.

Masks Around the World
Thailand::Kohn Masks
African Masks
PBS Kids African Masks
Mongolian Masks

Interview with Julie Taymor re: Her use of Masks Halloween History
Mythic Masks at Endicott Studios