Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Lesson : Visual Storytelling

Grade 7
Learning Objectives:
Students will examine the relationship between language and image
Students will look at various writing systems looking at the symbols that create language, particularly hieroglyphics, and kanji
Students will look at the development of technology in communicating ideas

The Language of Art : Art communicating mythology and history
Our early picture books and documentaries:
rock painting in Africa and Australia
wall paintings and relief in Egypt
our relationship with contemporary art and graphic media

Exemplars: Benjamin Franklin and the first political cartoon
comic books, and manga

Development of printing as a visual medium: wood engravings and etchings
Japanese prints --> Mary Cassatt
Kathe Kollwitz

Wood print (engravings in magazines), lithography
growth of popular magazines, prints, and book illustration -->
the advent of color printing in magazines and books -->
impact of technology the printing press --> the camera obscura

Estimated time: Flexible

Pen & Ink

Standards : Massachusetts Standards for Arts Education and Technology Integration
The Arts Disciplines
2.7, 2.8, 2.9 Elements and Principles of Design
4.4, 4.5 Drafting, Revising, and Exhibiting
5.6 Critical Response
6 Purposes and Meanings in the Arts
7 Roles of Artists in Communities
9 Inventions, Technologies, and the Arts
10 Interdisciplinary Connections

Classroom Activities:
I. Walk like an Egyptian
Hieroglyphics: the alphabet, the rosetta stone
slides of Reliefs, Pyramids
Write like an Egyptian: Say my Name, Say my Name

II. The Hero's Journey through Myth
In Pairs they research and choose a story from myth they would like to illustrate
Egypt, Greece, Roman, Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Celtic, Cherokee, Pueblo/Navaho, Aztec, Mayan, Australian, African (index cards)

III. the Printing Press!
Roots of Mass Media
printing press --> internet
Photoshop the Mythology Illustrations

IV. Zine it!
History of Comics, Comic Books & Manga
1st comic strip: Ben Franklin Revolutionary Snake Political Cartoon
Examining Political and Social Contexts
Prominent Comics
Students Bring in their Favorite Comic
potentially: storyboard, illustrate, inDesign

Understanding Comics by Scott McLoud
Will Eisner's Guide to Sequential Art
Japanese Manga History
Political Cartoons : Ben Franklin
“Join, or Die,” cartoon in The Pennsylvania Gazette, Benjamin Franklin, Library Company of Philadelphia
Join or Die Cartoon Essay